Business and Self-Agency


Business and Self-Agency

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Hey thereReader,

Recently, I took some time to journal and reflect on my decision to leave my 9 to 5 job to pursue entrepreneurship full-time.

What came out of that journaling session was interesting.

At first, I was like “Well, I don’t have enough energy at the end of my day to work on my business.”

I realized that my perception of my own time and energy came from a limited source and if I had only so much to give during the day, how could I possibly make it work?

So I quit!

Starting My Business for my Self-Agency

At first that decision felt incredible. But a deeper more important feeling that I didn't realize until reflecting on this was that it gave me the feeling of self-agency.

I took charge of my life, made a difficult decision, and was ready to take on the challenge.

But starting a business doesn’t immediately grant you flexibility of time or income. It takes work. Oftentimes having to do things you don’t want to do for whatever reason or another.

Maybe you don't like showing your face on camera, maybe you hate networking, or maybe you don't want to pay for that freelancer so you learn how to edit podcasts on your own *cough*.

Sadly, as a child of trauma, I’ve come to see that agency is often taken away when you’re a child.

Any chance of agency later in life is hard to ignore, especially when owning a business is wrapped up in the idea of flexible hours, multiple sources of income and working with your passions.

For me, my business has been that tangible way of reclaiming my agency by breathing life into my thoughts, feelings, and ideas and sharing it with the world.

But I do feel the weight of being a green entrepreneur. Trying to keep those followers, email list subscribers or website visitors growing. It’s a balancing act.

So here’s the thing; I encourage you to heal. Take the time to observe and think about how you grew up as a person, why you make decisions the way you do and what brought you to where you are today. Reflect! Inside and outside your business.

Take charge of your life and business by taking care of your inner self first.

You got this, Reader.

P.S. If you need some help reflecting, don't forget I am here as a resource. Book a call with me and let's do some reflecting.

Upcoming Events

Join me June 30th for an evening of business networking with amigas, making new connections, learning from each other with food and drinks. I'm exciting to be part of this event and meet incredible women and other business owners. Please reply to this email to purchase tickets.

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