Grounding Practices that Help me Listen to Myself


Grounding Practices that Help me Listen to Myself

Have you ever felt like all the advice you get about business is good but somehow generic or maybe doesn't even apply to you?

That is a sign.

That is a sign to start listening to yourself.

To start implementing what YOU know to be true.

Books, courses, programs, podcasts. They can all have amazing great new tips that can really help you out, but when you start to feel like what you're intaking is no longer being absorbed, I want you to take that as a sign that you are ready to take action with what you know.

And I know that you know a lot!

That you have invested in yourself, have taken time to really learn something. But now it's time to put all that you know into practice.

I want you to take action.

But on top of taking action, I want you to have a grounding practice.

A grounding practice is what I call when you do an activity that re-focuses you back to your core values.

I have a lot of grounding practices and tools.

I'll tell you a few.

  1. My journaling. I love journaling. It helps to bring my thoughts and ideas into something concrete and what I jot down or write down doesn't need to make sense or have any sort of logic even. I just need a channel where I can express all the magic in my brain.
  2. Reviewing my content pillars. I have 3 content pillars that I re-connect to when I'm feeling blank. From those three content pillars I created 9 subpillars that I always come back to. These help me remember what I love talking about, what I enjoy sharing and what I feel most connected to.

3. And finally, I enjoy practicing mindset work. I used to not lean into mindset work and used to feel like it was a lot of woo woo. But honestly, lately, it has been helping me stay in consistent action because the intrusive thoughts often target my self-esteem, my confidence and my inner jefa and that is not good for business. Sometimes I overthink my ideas, my workshops, my strategies and I end up doing nothing. So what I do is intentionally shift my thoughts from ones that don't serve me to ones that do. Just yesterday I practicds the belief "I can make money without overthinking it." And that will be my mantra as I begin this new week.

These are just a few ways that I listen to myself. That I remind myself that I have experience, knowledge, and value to provide and that all of it comes from a place of impact. A deep sense of "chingona-ness"

I want to invite you to try it for yourself. You can take from my own grounding strategies above or you can create your own. The point is that you find the tools that resonate and keep you grounded.

So before you take action on that idea you have been sitting on for weeks or that action that seems scary; how can you begin to listen to yourself? How can you give yourself what you need to create impact?

If you've been feeling scared, doubtful, anxious, stuck, or unclear about something, I want you to stop intaking and connect within. Listen to your voice, the grounding, knowledgeable, experienced voice that is waiting to take center stage.

Bring that voice out with you own grounding strategy and make things happen.


See you next week!

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