Healing My Inner Niña


Healing My Inner Niña

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Hi Reader!

Today, I want to talk to you about healing your inner child, or what I call your inner Niña, and why it’s so important in our entrepreneurial journey. Let me tell you my story.

When I started my coaching business, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. I was overwhelmed and unclear around all the options for what kind of business I could start. At the time, I was a social worker (I still consider myself a social worker) but back then, I was working for a hospital doing case management and running a small referral team that focused on bringing in referrals for our case management department.

Simultaneously, I was trying to build my business and figure out what services I could provide, but then I decided to stop all that work and just continue on my social work career path. I did this because I couldn’t figure out what kind of business I wanted to start. I wondered why I was wasting time trying to figure this out when I could just continue moving forward on the path I had already started.

However, if you’ve never considered healing or modalities around understanding yourself and addressing past or current wounds, avoidance becomes the easier option. Avoiding something is often easier than facing it. But avoiding those issues keeps you stuck, blocking you from making brave new paths forward.

What happened during that time was that, despite my efforts to stay on my social work path, I kept feeling drawn back to entrepreneurship. I was stuck because I wasn’t on the path I truly wanted. Looking back at that time, It was tough. I wasn’t sleeping and I was very anxious. As much as I wanted to move forward on my current path, I couldn’t get past certain issues. There were many things coming up that I hadn’t addressed.

Interestingly, I realized that I had a therapist but never utilized their help for these deeper issues. So I reached out to my therapist to provide me with support facing and addressing some of my traumas. It was incredibly hard and painful, but essential, much like treating a physical wound with antiseptic; it burns but prevents infection.

Much like physical wounds, emotional wounds that linger without being addressed can fester, blocking you from moving forward with what you truly want to do. So, here are three ways to kickstart your healing journey:

1. Start Journaling

Begin your healing by journaling. Write down your feelings, your thoughts, everything that’s in your head. You can use a traditional journal, a digital notebook, or even voice notes. The key is to get your emotions out, whether on paper or spoken aloud. Starting with yourself is crucial.

2. Seek Out Business Mentors and Friends

Having support is essential. Seek out business mentors and friends who can guide you through your journey. Trusted mentors can provide invaluable advice. They have the experience that can help clarify your entrepreneurial path.

3. Find a Healing Community

Lastly, seek out a community that understands and can heal with you. A community of other business owners or entrepreneurs can provide support, especially for BIPOC or queer entrepreneurs who may find a lack of resources tailored for them. Without a supportive community, it’s hard to continue this journey.

After addressing my issues with my therapist and getting professional support, it became easier to forge new paths and be brave. Facing your wounds and past traumas is painful but necessary for true healing.

So, if you’re thinking about starting a new business, know that it’s a brave and wonderful decision. I am proud of you. If you’ve been feeling anxious and overwhelmed, I encourage you to seek support and explore ways to release those emotions and doubts. Journaling, reaching out to mentors, and finding a supportive community are excellent steps to start with.

Healing allows you to become a better version of yourself and to move forward courageously. I'm happy to say that I'm in my healing era, and I know you can achieve this too.

Feel free to book a complimentary call with me if you need guidance. Even if I’m not the right person for you, I can help you find your next steps. As a social worker turned entrepreneur coach, I am here to assist you in moving in the right direction.

See you next week!

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